How To Cook White Rice On Stove to cook rice

Embark on a journey to perfecting the art of cooking white rice on the stove. Have you ever wondered how to cook white rice on stove and make those simple rice grains a culinary delight? Well, get ready for a flavourful adventure! We’ll unveil the secrets behind achieving the right water-to-rice ratio, explore the gentle simmering techniques, and share all the tips that will make your white rice the star of your meals. 

So, put on your apron and join me in the kitchen. Together, we’ll transform ordinary rice into the highlight of your next dish. It’s a rendezvous with your stove, where precision meets passion, and every grain tells a story. Welcome to the delightful world of cooking white rice on the stove—let’s turn up the heat!

What Type Of Rice Is Best For Cooking On Stove?

The type of rice you use can impact the final texture. Long-grain white rice like basmati and jasmine work well for stovetop cooking. 

Short-grain rice can get sticky and mushy. For light, separated grains, long grain is best. To get rid of extra starch, rinse the rice before cooking.

What Is The White Rice To Water Ratio?

The fundamental guideline for cooking rice is 1 cup of uncooked rice to 2 cups of water. However, slight adjustments in the ratio may be required depending on the specific type of rice being used. Here are some standard rice-to-water ratios for various types:

  • Long-grain white rice (basmati, jasmine): 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water
  • Medium-grain white rice: 1 cup of rice to 2 1/4 cups of water
  • Short-grain white rice (sushi, arborio): 1 cup of rice to 2-1/2 cups of water

Package instructions will also offer the recommended ratio. Consistently using the same amount of water ensures reliable and uniform results.

How To Cook Rice Step By Step?

Achieving perfect stovetop rice is a breeze with these straightforward and foolproof steps:

  • Rinse the Rice:

Start by placing the rice in a mesh strainer and giving it a quick 30-second rinse under running water. This simple step eliminates excess starch, preventing grains from sticking together.

  • Combine Rice and Water:

In a pot, combine the rinsed rice with the measured water. The standard ratio is typically 1 cup of uncooked rice to 2 cups of water.

  • Bring to a Boil:

Set the pot on high heat, bringing the water to a vigorous boil. Once boiling, stir the rice briefly to ensure an even cook.

  • Reduce Heat and Simmer:

As soon as the water reaches a boil, lower the heat & securely cover the pot. Allow the rice to cook undisturbed for 15-20 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed.

  • Remove from Heat and Let Steam:

After cooking, take the pot off the heat while keeping the lid in place. Let the rice steam and rest undisturbed for 5-10 minutes. This crucial step allows the rice to finish cooking, resulting in fluffier grains.

  • Fluff with Fork:

After the steaming period, uncover the pot and gently fluff the rice with a fork. The grains should be tender and separate. Adjust seasoning to taste, if desired. And there you have it! With this straightforward process, enjoy restaurant-quality rice whenever you desire.

Which Way Is Best To Cook Rice? Stovetop Vs. Rice Cooker

While the stovetop method above works great, using a rice cooker can also yield delicious results. Here’s how the two compare:


  • It gives the ability to control temperature and adjust as needed.
  • Requires more hands-on monitoring during simmering.
  • The risk of burning increases if the heat is set too high.
  • Typically makes 2-6 cups of cooked rice at a time.

Rice Cooker

  • It automates the entire process; no monitoring is needed.
  • Uses fuzzy logic technology for perfect rice every time.
  • Makes up to 14 cups at once, good for meal prepping.
  • Keeps rice warm after cooking is completed.
  • More expensive appliance, but hands-off convenience.

For most home cooks, the stovetop method is quick and easy for making everyday rice. But rice cooker aficionados love the set-it-and-forget-it ease for batch cooking. Both produce delicious results. You can order a Rice Cooker from Temuby using Temu credit codes. Be sure to use Temu credit codes for savings on any kitchen tools or rice varieties you may need.

Is It Necessary To Soak Rice Before Cooking?

While soaking can help enhance texture, it’s not strictly required for most white rice. Here are the pros and cons:


  • Shortens cooking time
  • Can make rice fluffier
  • Helps evenly hydrate grains


  • Takes extra time upfront
  • Can lose nutrients to soaking water
  • Not needed for modern parboiled rice

In most cases, you can skip soaking if you wish. Just follow the stovetop method using the proper rice-to-water ratio and cooking times. Soaking is optional.

How Long To Soak Rice Before Cooking?

Soaking rice before cooking can shorten the cooking time and lead to fluffier grains. Here are soaking times based on the rice variety:

  • Long grain white rice: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Medium or short grain rice: 1 to 4 hours
  • Brown rice: 8 to 24 hours

After soaking, drain the excess water and proceed with cooking. The rice will absorb water faster and cook more evenly. Just make sure to account for absorbed water when measuring. For a healthy pairing, visit a salad restaurant and grab a fresh salad to enjoy with your rice.

Should You Stir Rice While Cooking?

Just once after bringing water to a boil. Otherwise, refrain from stirring to prevent grains from breaking.

Is it Possible to Freeze Cooked Rice?

Cooked rice is suitable for freezing and can be stored in an airtight container for 4-6 months. When ready to use, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight.

And with that, you have the fundamental knowledge of cooking white rice on the stove. Allow the grains to be your compass, ensuring a consistently perfect and tender texture with every preparation.


In summary, mastering the art of cooking white rice on the stove is a fundamental skill for home cooks. Selecting the appropriate rice variety, adhering to the correct rice-to-water ratio, and following the step-by-step instructions can lead to consistently fluffy and tender rice. 

While optional, soaking the rice can improve texture and shorten cooking time, providing an extra dimension to your culinary experience. Whether you prefer a stovetop or a rice cooker, both methods can yield delicious results. 

Additionally, you can freeze cooked rice for convenient meal planning. Mastering white rice on the stove is a valuable kitchen skill that opens the door to countless culinary possibilities.

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