Write for us

Are you a Native writer and want to write for us?

Well, we love to engage our audience with new content and recipes. If you’re one of them who loves spreading delicious recipes or want to write something related to our niche, then feel free to email us your content.

Rice cooker reviews info is accepting Guest blogs posts

Make sure to read out the guidelines mentioned below

What is Guest Posting

Guest posting is a marketing technique whereby you write articles for other people’s blogs. They will allow you to include a link to your website in the author bio box at the bottom of the article. Guest posting can help you build relationships with other bloggers and increase traffic to your website.

Why Guest Post?

Guest posting is a practice where you write an article and submit it to another blog or website, hoping it will be published there. The benefits of guest posting are numerous, and for small business owners, guest posting can be one of an effective ways to reach a new audience and grow your business. Here are just a few reasons why guest posting should be a part of your marketing strategy:

  1. Guest posts help you reach a new audience.
  2. Guest posts help you build credibility and authority.
  3. Guest posts help you get more leads and traffic.
  4. Guest posts help you improve your SEO.

Types of Guest Posts

There are many different types of guest posts that you can write. When you are pitching a guest post, make sure to tailor it to the blog’s audience. Here are six types of guest posts:

  1. The Educational Guest Post: This is an excellent post for blogs that teach their readers how to do something. If you have a tutorial or some other educational content to share, this is the perfect place for it.
  2. The Inspirational Guest Post: If your blog focuses on personal development or motivation, an inspirational guest post is a great fit. Please share your story or provide tips and advice to help your readers live their best lives.
  3. The Entertaining Guest Post: If your blog focuses on lifestyle topics or entertainment, readers will receive an entertaining guest post well.

Approaching Bloggers and Editors

When you’re working on a new piece, getting your ideas in front of the right people is essential. Bloggers and editors can help spread the word and give you feedback. But how do you go about approaching them? Here are a few tips:

First, find bloggers and editors who write about topics related to your article. Use Google or Twitter’s search function to find relevant people to contact.

Next, read their work and see if they’ve covered similar topics in the past. If they have, reach out to them and offer your insights. If not, explain why your article is relevant to their readership.

Finally, be concise and polite when reaching out. Make sure your email or pitch is well-written and easy to understand. And always be prepared for rejection!

The Dos and Don’ts of Guest Posting

When done correctly, guest posting can effectively build your website’s authority and improve your search engine rankings. Here are some dos and don’ts for guest posting:


  1. Choose reputable websites to post on.
  2. Research the audience of the website you’re considering posting on. Make sure they would be interested in your content.
  3. Write high-quality content that is relevant to the website’s audience.
  4. Include a link to your website in your author bio.
  5. Promote your guest post on other social media and other platforms.


  1. Post-low-quality content just for the sake of getting a backlink.

Submit your Guest Post

Guest posts are a great way to get your content in front of new audiences. They’re also a great way to build relationships with other bloggers. If you’re interested in submitting a quality content you can pitch to websites

Guest Posting guidelines

  1. Your content or recipe should be at least 800+ words
  2. Write short paragraphs and bullet points
  3. Add at least 2 HQ images ( Size should be less than 100 KB )
  4. Add a minimum 1 internal link to our blog and 2 External Link to the HQ website
  5. Your content should be free from plagiarism and grammar errors
  6. We need well-researched content
  7. If you are interested in the Dofollow link of a promotional website, we charge for that.

Note: Once we publish the content on our website, it will be our property. You aren’t allowed to republish it anywhere else. 

What type of topics will we publish?

  1. Rice recipe
  2. Product review
  3. Product Comparisons
  4. How To and informative content
  5. Cooking
  6. Kitchen Supplies

How do you find guest blogging opportunities?

Guest posting is an amazingly great way to build your blog’s audience and authority. But where do you find guest blogging opportunities? Here are a few ideas:

1. Check out blogs in your niche with a large audience. Look for blogs with high rankings on Google, large social media followings, and lots of comments and shares.

2. Reach out to bloggers who have written about a topic similar to yours and pitch them if they are interested in submitting a guest post

3. Use Google search to find blogs that accept guest posts. Type “submit a guest post” followed by your topic or niche into the Google search bar. You’ll get a list of blogs that are looking for contributors.

4. Check out websites like Ricecookerreviewsinfo that, accept guest post

Is guest Posting effective?

The study found that companies who use guest posting as part of their content marketing strategy have seen a significant increase in traffic, leads, and subscribers. The average increase in website traffic was 71 percent, the average increase in charges was 100 percent, and the average increase in subscribers was 104 percent.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your website’s traffic, leads, and subscribers, guest posting may be just what you need.

Use these queries to find Rice Cooker Reviews Info for guest posting.

  1. Guest Post opportunities “Rice cooker.”
  2. write for us home decor
  3. Want to Write for
  4. Submit Guest post
  5. Submit blog post
  6. Become a contributor
  7. Contribute to our website
  8. Become an author
  9. Contributing writer
  10. This is a guest post by
  11. Submit a guest article
  12. Become a Contributor kitchen gadgets
  13. Write to us” rice food reviews.”
  14. Guest posting” rice cooker reviews info “Rice Cookers reviews.”
  15. “write for us rice cooker.”
  16. “write to us” + “cookers “
  17. “gadgets” + “free guest posting”
  18. “guest posting” + “home appliances “
  19. “submit guest post” + “home appliances”
  20. “home” + “write to us”
  21. “guest posting” + “kitchen”
  22. “write for us kitchen appliance.”
  23. “guest post” + “kitchen”
  24. “submit kitchen guest post.”
  25. “submit guest post home.”
  26. “kitchen appliance” + “submit guest post”
  27. “kitchen” + “free guest post”
  28. “write for us kitchen.”
  29. “write to us” + “kitchen”
  30. “guest posting” + “home and kitchen”
  31. “submit guest post” + “kitchen “
  32. “kitchen guest post”
  33. “free guest posting” + “kitchen.”
  34. “submit technology guest post.”
  35. “free guest post” + “home gadget”
  36. Your Keyword “become a contributor”
  37. Keyword “become a guest blogger.”
  38. Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines.”
  39. Keyword “guest post courtesy of”
  40. Your Keyword “contribute to our site.”
  41. Search Keyword “guest post opportunities.”
  42. Your Keyword “looking for guest posts.”
  43. Search Keyword “submit an article”
  44. Keyword “contributing writer.”
  45. “free guest posting” + “how to”
  46. “free guest posting” + “rice cookers.”

Write For us

Email us your content rcooker496@gmail.com or contact us directly.

Read more about us here.

Thank you!